General Oleg Petrovsky

  • Militärstärke:30 Punkte
  • Erfordert:Omega DLC
  • Planet/Cluster:Omega
  • Kategorie:Alien
  • Fundort:Am Ende der "Omega: Aria T'Loak" Hauptmission des Omega DLCs müsst ihr Aria davon abgehalten haben General Petrovsky zu töten und dürft ihn auch selbst nicht getötet haben, falls Aira ihn euch überlassen hat (abhängig von den moralischen Entscheidungen während des DLCs).
  • Beschreibung:General Oleg Petrovsky is now in Alliance custody and is being interrogated at an undisclosed location. Due to the nature of his work on Omega, the interrogation and debriefing team is being led by both military and science experts to ensure the veracity of Petrovsky's information. The location of an important Cerberus laboratory has already been provided by the prisoner and has since been destroyed. Alliance officials believe Petrovsky can still provide substantial critical information on Cerberus activities and are likely to approve the asylum procedures that have been started by the Alliance legal aid assigned to Petrovsky's case.